ColorHunt Websites like Color Hunt provide a collection of community-made color palettes. You can pick and use one of these directly or pick a primary color to Job Function Email List start with. Not that pretty but also similar are Color Lovers. Job Function Email List Screenshots of Color Hunt Example BrandColors BrandColors serves a slightly different purpose - BrandColors provides a list of major brands and their color schemes.
You can find some great patterns and combinations there that can inspire your building. The colors are not under any copyright, but our advice is to Job Function Email List play around with them a bit rather than copy-paste all the Job Function Email List colors from places like Amazon for example. Premium and Free Assets There is not always enough time to work on every component of the site.
Sometimes, it's best to take an icon pack, illustration or stock photo created by another designer/photographer and use it directly. Job Function Email List Font-Awesome - A collection of icons in the form of glyph fontsEnvato Elements. Job Function Email List A large selection of premium quality assets at great prices. Unsplash - A huge collection of high-quality.